Selection Policies, Playing time and competitive games
Headley is an inclusive club and seeks to provide an environment, wherever possible, for all children to enjoy playing the game irrespective of ability. In this regard we do follow the FA guidelines for playing time, selection policies and competitive fixtures as detailed below;
U7 age group through to U11
For U12 age group and above
Paying by instalments
Deciding to leave the club / Refund of annual membership
We understand circumstances change and players may need or want to stop playing for their team at Headley. Out of courtesy we request that in such circumstance’s players, or their parents/guardians notify their coach in writing of their intent to leave. In the event of player electing to leave the following will apply (subject to no other fees being owed by that player to the club);
Arrangements may be made to collect and return children to specific pick up points. The Club’s responsibility stops and starts at these points. It is your responsibility to arrange safe travel to and from the pick-up points. If you are ever delayed in collecting your child, please make every effort to contact the Club contact or the escorting helpers so we can discuss arrangements for your child.
Non-Football Activities
There may be occasions when your child is involved in planned and structured non-football activities such as a trip to the cinema, bowling or participating in a fund-raising event. The Club will have collected appropriate information in preparation for the activity (e.g. about the journey, the children’s various needs and helper skills), identified any potential risks or dangers, minimised the risks and dangers by careful planning and precautions and made sure we know who is responsible for putting precautions into place (e.g. who will carry the First aid kit). This process is called a risk assessment.
Remote Supervision
There may be occasions when your child is involved in planned and structured unsupervised non-football activities (e.g. shopping trips whilst on tour). Players will only be permitted to participate in these activities if they are considered appropriate to do so. You will be informed prior to the event if any form of remote supervision will take place for such activities and the nature of these activities.
Photographs and recorded images
Headley Youth Football Club recognises the need to ensure the welfare and safety of all Young People. As part of this commitment adhere to the FA guidelines, permit photographs, video images or other images of Young People to be taken. We adhere to The FA Guidelines to ensure these are safe and respectful and used solely for the purposes for which they are intended, which is promotion and celebration of the activities of the Club and for training purposes.
If you do not wish your child to be photographed, please inform the Team Manager and Club Secretary.